Ernest Green Sr. was his father ,and Lothire Green was his mother . His father attended Michigan State University. Ernest came from a family that encouraged education. Ernest participated in church activities and Boy Scouts , later on he earned his eagle Scouts rank.Ernest attended Dunbar Junior High School , a school for black people where he graduated after …show more content…
Jefferson was one of seven children. He was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Thomas. Thomas was a track athlete in Horace Mann. Jefferson and his eight friends now known as the little rock nine decided to transfer to a all white school called Central High School, as Sophomores, for the 1957 -58 school year. These nine brave students tried to to enter Central high school, unsuccessfully, on September 4,1957. The Governor Faubus ordered National Guard troops to turn the nine away. Elizabeth entered the campus on Parks Street and was confronted by a angry mob. She managed to reach the bench at the bus stop to take her to her mother’s work. The group stayed home for two weeks trying to keep up to their school work. Later the federal court ordered Faubus to stop. Faubus had to remove his guards from the school’s entrance. The nine entered the school for the first time, but the mob outside were beating and chasing the black reporters chanting two..four..six..eight we ain’t gonna integrate. The police were afraid the mob was going to increase so they removed the nine during the