Bullying Defined: “Bullying is commonly defined as a specific type of aggressive behavior that involves intent to cause harm, occurs repeatedly, and involves a power imbalance. This definition remains the subject of some debate, particularly in regard to whether these characteristics require assessment by an objective outsider or can instead rely on the perception of the victim. In line with current literature, measures of bullying need to encompass the three broad domains of behaviors that constitute bullying: direct physical bullying, direct verbal bullying, and indirect bullying in which the person or group of persons doing the bullying is not necessarily identified. This latter form of bullying is often a form of social manipulation and includes the more recently recognized phenomenon of cyber bullying.” Hunt, C., Peters, L., & Rapee, R. (2012). Development of a measure of the experience of being bullied in youth. Psychological Assessment, 24(1), 156-165. • In-text citation: (Hunt, Peters & Rapee, 2012) Bullying Stats and Types “Peer victimization is a serious problem affecting our nation's schools, with nearly 36% of secondary students experiencing victimization at some point during their school career. Nansel and colleagues (2001) found that approximately one in three sixththrough 10th-grade students reported moderate or frequent involvement in bullying behavior, which includes being victimized by peers or bullying others. Peer
Bullying Defined: “Bullying is commonly defined as a specific type of aggressive behavior that involves intent to cause harm, occurs repeatedly, and involves a power imbalance. This definition remains the subject of some debate, particularly in regard to whether these characteristics require assessment by an objective outsider or can instead rely on the perception of the victim. In line with current literature, measures of bullying need to encompass the three broad domains of behaviors that constitute bullying: direct physical bullying, direct verbal bullying, and indirect bullying in which the person or group of persons doing the bullying is not necessarily identified. This latter form of bullying is often a form of social manipulation and includes the more recently recognized phenomenon of cyber bullying.” Hunt, C., Peters, L., & Rapee, R. (2012). Development of a measure of the experience of being bullied in youth. Psychological Assessment, 24(1), 156-165. • In-text citation: (Hunt, Peters & Rapee, 2012) Bullying Stats and Types “Peer victimization is a serious problem affecting our nation's schools, with nearly 36% of secondary students experiencing victimization at some point during their school career. Nansel and colleagues (2001) found that approximately one in three sixththrough 10th-grade students reported moderate or frequent involvement in bullying behavior, which includes being victimized by peers or bullying others. Peer