In 1482 he left Florence which was the cultural capital of Italy. He then moved to Milan which was a more political and military driven city. In order to broaden his spectrum of accomplishments he presented himself to the Duke of Milan as skilled in many crafts but more so in military engineering and sculpting (Leonardo da Vinci." Encyclopedia of World Biography). His first project in Milan was the painting the virgin of the rocks. He was commissioned by the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception in 1483. This painting was one of the first that Leonardo had used oil based paints on, making it more precise it was a great painting of the early …show more content…
Another great invention of his was the creation of the Colossus, or a statue of a horse. The duke of Milan tasked Da Vinci with creating the world’s largest horse. But his work including designing floats for special events. And also the design for the equestrian statue made of bronze in order to honor Francesco Sforza Being the daring man he was, he didn't pass up the offer to construct a 24-foot bronze statue. The statue demanded 80 tons of bronze, and Da Vinci used previous experiences to create a whole new skill to make a mold and oven that could reach the necessary head that could melt the bronze. Unfortunately, after Da Vinci had perfected everything he needed for his project, France was Invaded and the duke of Milan used all of the bronze as a bribe I which the French accepted. On a brighter note, the project was eventually finished, but not by Da Vinci, but by a Pennsylvania artist named Charles Dent who finished the sculpture in 1994. It now resides in Milan, Italy. Leonardo also had a profound interest in the human anatomy. Around 1507 Leonardo’s hand was not found on a paint brush but a scalpel. (Nicholl 419) Leonardo was infatuated with the human body so during this time he dissected an old man but at the same time it was documented he dissected a two year old child that had passed. He carefully dissected the bodies and documented everything that he found. He even might have