An ongoing challenge for educational administrators is capitalizing on leadership behaviors that have the greatest influence on optimizing teacher motivation. It is recognized that among the myriad responsibilities and tasks school leaders must assume, motivating teachers appears crucial to the essential precept of all schools: student academic achievement. Using the Weick and Sutcliffe model “Conditions That Create Corporate Culture” (2001), achievement would serve as one of the core beliefs of a learning organization, around which its members’ values, practices, and attitudes revolve (p. 125). Therefore, it appears very likely that teachers would be motivated by these salient factors. Based on that rudimentary information, it seems prudent that school leaders should incorporate into their leadership practices skills that encourage, reinforce, and sustain “teachers who are actively engaged in teaching and learning, open to new ideas and approaches, and committed to students” (Hoy & Miskel, 2005: p.157). Leaders might also consider their advice that: “a number of personality and motivation traits increase the likelihood that individuals can and will engage in effective leadership efforts to influence others” (p. 408). Based on the evidence concluded by Hoy and Miskel (2005), leaders who possess the following characteristics will motivate teachers: self-confidence, stress tolerance, emotional maturity, personal drive, power needs, achievement orientation, and high expectations for success (pp. 380-381). Armed with this information, this group of four graduate students set out to answer the research question: To what extent do principals’ leadership traits influence teacher motivation?
An Examination of Leadership Styles and Teacher Motivation 3
Considering the important work that teachers tackle and accomplish daily and year after year, this group sought to better understand what
References: Administration, 42(5). Retrieved September 12, 2004 from htm Coutts, D. (February 1997). Measuring the degree of success in improving school climate in schools with new principals Retrieved September 12, 2004 from: Davis, J., & Wilson, S.M Fullan, M. (2003). The moral imperative of school leadership motivation. Retrieved September 12, 2004 from WebPortal/Home.Portal?-nfpd=true&_pagelabel=Record New York: September 10, 2004. Taylor, D Weick, K.E., & Sutcliffe, K.M. (2001). Managing the unexpected. San Francisco: JosseyBass. An Examination of Leadership Styles and Teacher Motivation 9