Naturally, if you have plants, shrubs, paving stones or other ornamental features in close proximity to your windows and entry doors, we will help you ensure your greenspaces are fully protected during the installation process. If you have a prized rose bush planted directly beneath a window scheduled to be replaced, …show more content…
While you can use a variety of plants types in the same bed, mature plants should be level with the window or slightly above. Trees or shrubs that will be taller than the lower edge when mature are better positioned to the side of your windows, unless you plan to use boxwood, or a similar shrub, that can be groomed and shaped without affecting health and vitality. Plants should ideally be positioned about 3 feet away from the house to allow safe egress during an emergency and prevent roots from growing into or under the foundation. Planting thorny bushes or plants with spiked leaves under your windows adds a bit of …show more content…
All hydrangea require moist, well-drained soil and partial sun to thrive and produce their blossoms each summer.
•Looking for a plant that transitions from one season to the next? Consider cotoneaster coral beauty, a low-growing shrub that matures to a full height of 2-3 feet. It produces an abundance of white blooms each spring and beautiful coral-red berries each fall that stays bright well into the winter season and look beautiful glistening under the first frost and early snow. A delicate white edging accents the study evergreen foliage. Cotoneaster, like the pink flowering almond requires full to partial sun.
Planning a Front Lawn Master Piece: Weekend Projects
It doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming to revamp your curb appeal. These tips and suggestions from HouseLogic will give you some inspiration for ways to transform your green spaces into amazing plantscapes with a few simple tools – wheelbarrow, spade, rake, shovel and garden hose – in just a few hours. Adding a berm, laying down a simple path with paving stones and building a simple retaining wall give you opportunities to showcase your lawn with varied textures, dimensions, heights an color