Roald Dahl dystopian story “Lamb To The Slaughter” takes places in a small town that's peaceful and quiet. Until a wife of a police office killed her husband with a leg of lamb and not having any guilt about it. Enraged that he man was leaving her another woman while she’s pregnant with her first child with him. One lesson in the story suggest is you may not know what's under your noses until you're eating it.
From the beginning, the description and detail in the story show that the wife of the police officer is enraged because her husband is now leaving her for another while she's pregnant with her first child with him. Dahl describes how “ and i know it's kind of a bad time telling you, but there simply …show more content…
Come quick! Patrick's dead!” “He’s lying on the floor and i think he’s dead.” These two quotes support my theme is that she's now calling the police and there going to start asking questions about how it happened, who do u think did it, and what could have hit him that hard that he was to die. As the police arrived they began to ask her where she was when her husband Patrick had been killed. She told him she had ran to the grocery store to make dinner for patrick and she told them what grocer she had gotten the food from. The police left to ask the grocer if she seemed to be acting weird but of course he said no. She had rehearsed what she was going to say to him so many times she sounded just perfectly normal. “...Acted quite normal.. Very cheerful...wanted to give him a good supper..peas..cheesecake..impossible that she…” but actually she did. She had killed her husband over him leaving her for another women. She assumed that if they were to find out that she had kill him that they wouldn't kill her while she was pregnant with his baby. “In fact, it would be a relief. On the other hand, what about the child? What were the laws about murderers with unborn children? Did they kill them both-mother and child? Or did they wait until the tenth month? What did they do?” As she asked herself these questions as what was going to happen to her unborn child after she killed