His job would be to become a page, as a page his duties would include serving meals, caring for the noble’s garments and support them in dressing. A page was and acted as a servant of the castle/house by assisting the members living there as well as delivering messages. A page was also given a specific uniform which he had to wear consisted of the colours of the Nobel’s. Many pages worked together in the same residence and that depended upon on how much fortune a noble possessed. A page would work for the noble until he reached the age of fourteen and had learned everything that was necessary in order to continue the journey to becoming a knight by becoming a squire.
The page would be educated about taught about good manners and behaviour, horse-riding, religion, and chivalry, hunting animals and strategic board games such as chess. A Page would shortly begin to accumulate the talents and skills needed for Knight by practicing various skills such as using a lance and being able to view and understand the coaching of their seniors on these …show more content…
A squire would have to help a knight by scrubbing his weapons and armour, caring for his warhorses and go with the knight to the battleground. Squires accompanied a knight by going to the battleground with them and that’s why they often got attacked which lead to many squires in being killed. A squire would have to continue his duties as one for another 7 years until the age of 21 when he finally became a knight (if he had qualified to follow is duties and protocols). If a squire represented bravery on the battlefield, he could be rewarded by becoming a knight even if he was below the age of