The story begins with the introduction of the Mariner. The Mariner stops one of three men who are on their way to a wedding. After hypnotizing the wedding guest, the Mariner begins to tell his story to him. The Mariner begins the story on a ship with his crew, soon after leaving port, he and his crew began heading toward Antarctica to avoid a storm. As the Mariner and his crew travel, they ultimately get lost in a deep, icy fog. Then, an albatross swoops down,…
In this essay Bailey looks at a number of different ideas, such as, the ways in which Thomas King intermingles between the tradition of oral stories and the authority of written word, the importance of the ways in which King uses different texts and religious ideals to tell his story, and Bailey even touches on issues of gender, history, Native identity and other criticisms within the article. A bulk of the article, as suggested by the title, focuses on the ways in which King uses Written story telling methods, but simultaneously calls them into question by juxtaposing them with oral tradition. Bailey is successful in her attempt to contemplate this interplay between different literary methods, although, through her writing, I feel she misses…
The Open Boat by Stephen Crane is a story describing four men that are trapped together in a small boat or dingy. The men aboard the boat are a captain, a correspondent, an oiler, and a cook. The men were aboard a larger boat that crashed off the coast of Florida and are now searching for the safety of a light house they remember. After making a homemade sail and some brisk paddling they finally get near the coast. They spot some people and begin to signal for help but the people only respond with friendly waves. The tide is much too strong to swim to shore so they paddle back out to sea a ways and wait for it to calm. While waiting they get approached by a shark. The large fish circles in such a way that death searches for the next victim it will claim. The men keep rowing and head toward shore. Upon arriving a reasonable distance from the shore, the captain announces that when the boat is about to sink that they will all jump and swim for shore. The oiler, cook, and correspondent evacuate the boat and swim for the sandy beach. The captain stays close to the boat because his injury inhibits his swimming ability. They are having trouble completely the journey to safety when a naked man comes and helps the correspondent and cook on shore. These two men alongside the captain are warmly welcomed by many. The oiler, however, is only welcomed by a sandy grave. The four men each represent four different members of society. The captain represents the leaders; the cook the followers; the oiler the workers; and the correspondent the observers and thinkers. These men must learn to work together and thrive off of one another’s strengths and make up for the other’s weaknesses. Each of these men are very different but the fury of nature does not discriminate against any man.…
One day this great big storm came upon us it left many men dead and injured including Joe. It also made are raft begin to sink slowly. We were trying so hard to get it fixed but nothing worked. I tried to get other boats to help us but no one would. I started to go crazy at one point I almost killed myself but everyone stopped me before I could. We all died the next day by the raft sinking the night before.…
But still no respond, like some disease has made them go insane. That's what it is, Jamison thought! He read this article about how some disease in wood can cause you to loose it, and wood was exactly the thing they were hauling. Slowing moving, Jamison started to make his way to the wheel house to use the only phone on the boat , but that meant going past the two insane crew members. All of a sudden the two insane men started clawing the walls and screaming their heads off!…
The boys get on a life boat with the commander. They are dirty, smelly, and just look horrible. The commander says, “What the hell happen here sons?” As he looks with discomfort. “They have turned into monsters!” says Ralph. “He’s lying!” Says Jack. As all the other boys just break down into tears Jack can’t but help and look at Ralph with a revengeful smile. “Well my name is Jim” says The commander. “What are your names boys?” Says Jim. “My name is Ralph and he’s Jack, This is Sam and Eric, and this is Roger”. Says Ralph. “Nice to meet you boys.” Says Jim. “You to” the boys mumble beneath their breathe. The ride to the navy base was a long one. Just memories of what had happen on that dreadful island haunted everyone’s memories except for one person, Jack. When they got to the Navy ship, The Captain had a list of all the boys that were on that plane. “When I call you name please step forward.” Says the Captain. Everyone step forward until the list came to Arthur. “Where’s Arthur”? Says the Captain. Everyone looks baffled as to who is Arthur. “He also goes by the nickname Piggy?” Ralph breaks into tears. “He fell off a cliff on the island” Says Jack. “Well that’s a tragedy” Says the Captain. As the list continues the Captain says the name Simon?” Everyone is Silent. Jack looks at the Captain and says with a smile “He died on the plane when it went down.” Everyone is looking at Jack and sees the Evil in his eyes. “Well that’s everyone.” Says the Captain.…
It started out when I was writing in my journal, when I looked out my window to find a humongous eye the size of 3 dinner plates. I jumped in my britches and ran to the deck. It was pouring down rain and the sky was pitch black with thundering clouds forming all around us. I tried to pull in the sail before STRIKE! The lightning hit the mass and off it went to sea. I turned around and my crew was running and screaming like chickens with their heads cut off. I yelled and yelled and yelled but they didn’t seem to listen until 8, giant, red arms came swinging at the boat. Luckily they missed. I turned on the motors of the boat hoping we could get out of the krakens clutch. He had us surrounded! Everyone went to their battle stations. Men were shooting guns, throwing harpoons, and blasting canons. The kraken was furious! Out of no where the boat started to rise, and next thing you know we slid back in the water to find the giant head directly above us. The eyes were staring at us in the face, its arms grabbed a hold of the boat, and we had no more weapons to fire. We thought we were for sure dead when STRIKE! The lightning had saved us. The kraken slowly floated to the bottom of the ocean as we celebrated in drinking a nice, cold beer. Now were just slowly sailing the ocean, with no sail, hoping to find land, and get there…
Open Boat is a true story of Stephen Crane as he and his comrades try to make the best of being stranded out in the ocean after the sinking of their ship the Commodore. The story is full of senses ranging from the deep freeze of the water to the deep pain in the muscles from rowing in a storm. More importantly Stephen Crane gives his readers the feeling of being in the vigorous storm, opening his story with,…
John henry is a man of great stature and power. He is a man of folklore from the mid-1800s. In the story John is the antagonist and his personality is that of a man that knows what he’s doing and when he makes his mind up there is no way you will ever change it. John is a stern man that can do almost anything he wants if he puts his mind to it. His personality is what made John such a respectable railroad worker. Although we don’t know for sure if John really existed because the story is folklore, but if he were really real I’m sure that everyone talked about him.…
10 year old Chet Roscow keeps moving around America because his dad wants to have a god job and lots of money. Chet’s parents said were going to California but Chet’s mom sent him to Elm Hills to Uncle Jerry. Chet works at Uncle Jerry’s dinner and made 3 friends Sid, Monty, and Dewy One day they came in the diner and gave Chet the news paper and said there was a shark attack at the New Jersey shore a man died. But het said sharks don’t kill humans there scared as a bunny.…
As I sit outside my porch gleaming at the clear blue sky, the sun peeking through the clouds down on my face. I take a long breath, taking in the morning breeze and letting it out. Today will be different, it will be a new beginning. I hear the birds chirping and the sun has risen. It's time. I run back inside my house grab the keys and head straight to the front door. I take a deep breath again telling the voices in my head that today will be different. I stroll down the road as I rehash what this day was one year ago. A deadly disaster, a heart throbbing story that I never want to be reminded of. I ambled past a group of people down the street, I hear their words turning into whispers and their ferocious eyes looking at me. The whispers are…
This ship is given the task to pinpoint and take town an gargantua beast swimming in the oceans around the world. Professor Annorax is led to believe that the beast is a monumental narwhal. While searching, they set eyes on the beast. It's huge mass appeared 5 times larger then their ship. And soon it charged, bursting through the hull of the ship before he knew it he was blown overboard. Jumping in after him was Conseil. They sat there in desperate need of strength, then out of the mist came Ned on top of the beast. For a second Annorax was lost in a world of confusion. It was then he was asked to board this mysterious object. When he boarded Annorax met a man by the name of Captain Nemo, he greeted them by placing them into a cell. For all he knew, this was not going to be a pleasant experience. The next day they were let out of their "Cage," and were told that they were to spend their lives on the nautilus for eternity. Annorax hated this at first but weirdly kinda enjoyed it. He would sit and stare at the technological advancements this submarine beheld. He would constantly sit and stare out the window and he wrote notes about this large chapter in his life. One day the Ned decided it was time to go, he convinced the group and the decided the time. While the plan was about to start the ship stopped! Did Captain find out! Annorax repeated this thought throughout his mind.…
A group of boys were stranded on an island with no adults at all. When they all got together, they formed a tribe so they can all stick together and think of some ways to survive and how to get rescued from this island. Everything was going great, everyone had fun, food, water, and shelter. Everyone had a job to do so everyone can survive all together. But one of them didn’t do their job and there was a plane in the sky and the person who didn’t kept the fire going, which was Jack, was supposed to do it so the plain can see it, but didn’t.…
Jim and his friends set off for Treasure Island. Accidentally, Jim found out that their cook Long John Silver was a pirate and he wanted to steal the treasure. When the ship arrived at the island, there was a fierce battle in which the pirates lost one man and Captain Smollett’s men lost one man. Jim’s…
Alex lay frozen stiff in bed listening to the horrible sounds coming from the ocean. Exactly a year ago something disastrous happened; he and his Mum were fishing out on the ocean when suddenly out of nowhere, fog started enclosing his Mum from every direction suffocating her until all of a sudden... she disappeared into thin air.…