About forty percent of people with epilepsy have seizures while they sleep and some can hear voices during these episodes (Miller). In Joan’s case, she would be in this forty percent. “Joan of Arc also sometimes experienced seizures during sleep. ‘…I was asleep: the Voice woke me… It awoke me without touching me’" (Griffiths). A very obvious symptom of epileptic seizures is hallucinating, or seeing things that aren’t there (Schachter). In the quote stated earlier, Joan reported that there was a voice who woke her. Having a voice present during these seizures is a major sign of epilepsy. Joan was reported to have had a private examination on March 12, 1431. Doctors took the facts from her examination and concluded she may have had epilepsy (Griffiths). When Joan of Arc thought that voices were waking her at night, she was actually having epileptic
About forty percent of people with epilepsy have seizures while they sleep and some can hear voices during these episodes (Miller). In Joan’s case, she would be in this forty percent. “Joan of Arc also sometimes experienced seizures during sleep. ‘…I was asleep: the Voice woke me… It awoke me without touching me’" (Griffiths). A very obvious symptom of epileptic seizures is hallucinating, or seeing things that aren’t there (Schachter). In the quote stated earlier, Joan reported that there was a voice who woke her. Having a voice present during these seizures is a major sign of epilepsy. Joan was reported to have had a private examination on March 12, 1431. Doctors took the facts from her examination and concluded she may have had epilepsy (Griffiths). When Joan of Arc thought that voices were waking her at night, she was actually having epileptic