The first stage is sensorimotor stage, which is from birth to age two. During the sensorimotor stage the child begins to build knowledge of the world through trial and error. The main development in the sensorimotor stage is objects exist and events occur in this world (McLeod). We can use this information in a childcare center by giving infants and toddlers toys to play with. During this stage I think parents would think this looks like their children paying and some parents might think their child needs to be sitting down learning when their child is near the end of this stage. However, when children are playing they are learning new things through …show more content…
During this stage the child starts logical or operational thought. The children gain the abilities of conversation and reversibility. The children’s think is more organized and rational. During this sate of a child’s life they are no longer in a childcare center, so it could not be used there, however the children are in school and can use this in school. Such as, in all their classes the children are talking. Since they are now able to use concert thinking it will help them during school. Parents will begin to see their child learning more and their child will be able to have more meaningful conversations with their parents during this