James …show more content…
IN 1776, he found himself at the Virginia COnvention, as an Orange County representative. At this time he met Thomas Jefferson and together they had a lifelong friendship. Later in 1777, he was appointed to the Governor’s Council where he was a strong supporter of the American-French alliance during the time of the Revolution. Then, in 1780, he travelled to Philadelphia to serve as a Virginia delegate to Continental Congress. Soon enough, in 1783 Madison returned to Virginia, there he became a champion for the separation of church and state. He also contributed to the Virginia’s Statute of Religious Freedom. He later went on to creating the Constitution. In this he was influenced by Montesquieu, a French lawyer and a political philosopher, to express his ideas on forming a three-part federal government. This government would consist an executive, judicial, and legislative branch. This structure would have a new system of checks and balances in order to prevent the overuse of power in any one group. While making the Constitution, he joined together with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay to have it ratified. These three men even wrote a series of persuasive letters known as the Federal Papers. These papers were published in the New York papers. In 1789, he became a big force behind the Bill of Rights, and submitting his suggestions to the Constitution of …show more content…
Although, today there is someone similar to him in the way of his character, this person is Joe Biden. Biden was a former Delaware Senate. He now is the U.S. Vice President to Barack Obama, (soon to be Donald Trump), and also a U.S. Representative. Biden plays a great impact on todays society and plans for greatness in this country. He was one youngest men ever to be elected in the United States Senate, and has worked in government for 36 years. Like Madison, he works to be a leader for many important key issues. Doing this, he works with his fellow co-worker Obama. Obama is probably one of Biden’s biggest influences. I see it as Obama is to Biden, is the same as Jefferson was to Madison. Biden and Madison are similar in the way of the leadership skills, the years they worked in government, and their relationships with their co-workers.
In conclusion, James Madison showed us what a true hero is like. A hero like him doesn’t hold back. Madison was never a follower, but a leader. He may of had help on the way, but his knowledge was greatly valued. Like he had said, “ Knowledge will forever govern ignorance” (Madison, 1822), and that is something we should always remember. Our knowledge like his can play a great role in our lives, and we know it did for