As of right now, we are entering the right femoral vein, close to the groin. The right femoral vein is parallel with the femoral artery through the upper thigh and pelvic region. It is one of the larger veins in the body. The femoral vein returns blood into the leg to the heart through the iliac vein. The right femoral vein comes from the abdomen. This vein collects blood from many veins in the body such as the hepatic, lumbar, gonadal,…
Answer: PICC lines are necessary due to the length of therapies, type of therapies and patient access. Regular IV’s only last a few days and need to be replaced regularly. Some IV therapy can last weeks and even months, with a PICC line they only require the one line instead of several. Finally some patients have very poor peripheral vein access and peripheral IV’s aren’t an option.…
2. The nurse is caring for a patient who is receiving IV furosemide (Lasix) and morphine for the…
7. After peripheral IV and IV fluids are started, the nurse is ready to start the Claforan…
A small wire (guidewire) will be inserted into your vein. The guidewire will help move the catheter into your vein.…
Details of the sides effects and action taken must be recorded on the Medication Administration Record and in the daily log.…
perfusion. Pain and coolness are not normal after AVG insertion. Aspirin therapy is not used…
What problem(s) did the researchers study and why? Due to significant health risks in different types of central venous lines such as CVC, PORT or t-CVC, the problem researchers studied in this systematic review was to analyze different literature that compares the use of central venous lines and PICC lines in order to validate the advantages that accompany PICC lines.…
6. Differentiate between the I.V. push, I.V. drip and I.V. piggyback methods of administration. An I.V. push refers to using a port in the tubing to administer drugs in a shorter amount of time. An I.V. drip refers to the practice of injecting a drug into the fluid of a large I.V. bag and administering it continuously throughout several hours. An I.V. piggyback refers to the practice of injecting a drug into a small I.V. bag of fluid that is then attached to or ‘piggybacked’ onto an existing I.V. line.…
Continuing to move up the vein we will pass through the external iliac which is formed with the common iliac on our way to the small intestines. Look really close and you should be able to see most of the colon. The veins of the common iliac are the vessels that bring the blood to the heart. The heart has two veins which are joined together and form the inferior vena cava. The function of the inferior vena cava is to bring de-oxygenated blood from the legs as well as any other lower regions to the right atrium. While we are here at the inferior vena cava let’s look around and see what it has to offer…
In some sates, an LVN never starts an intravenous line (IV), while in other states; they may be able to get an IV certification to perform this procedure. Most LVN’s can take blood or administer injections in areas where they cannot start IVs.…
Attention Getter: How many people here have ever had to get an IV in the hospital? Was it a positive or negative experience for you? If you are one of the people that said yes then you know it can be a frightening and sometimes painful experience. What I am about to explain to you comes from my 8 years of experience as an emergency room nurse starting thousands of IVs. Some of the things I tell you could help you understand the process better and ease your anxiety for any future emergency room visit you or your loved one may have.…
Intravenous (IV) therapy is a daily nursing routine of the utmost importance in therapeutics for restabilizing patients and the most common invasive procedure among patients admitted to hospitals.1,2…
administering IV’s, instead she used a sharp needle. Not only that, she had set the drip rate wrong so the…
Workman B (1999) Safe injection technique. Nursing Standard 13, 39, 47-53 cited in Hunter (2008) in Art and Science Clinical Skills:34.…