Not only does inheritance saves programming time, it helps maintain efficiency and accuracy. If a programmer did not have the ability to use inheritance, they would have to rewrite the classes to add variables or methods and would increase the chances of creating errors. With thousands of variables and methods in a program, it can be easy to lose track or be inconsistent when editing changes.
An example used by Richard Baldwin helps illustrate how inheritance works. A superclass RADIO has attributes and methods of components of a car radio. When a new class is created to add tape player, the subclass COMBO, will inherit certain attributes from the superclass RADIO when using the new methods to create a function. For instance, Baldwin added a new method called playTape in the program and extends to the superclass RADIO to pull specific methods to determine whether or not the tape is in or out before playing the radio. Knowing whether or not the radio is turned on is a method in the superclass RADIO and does not need to be written again in the subclass COMBO. The use of inheritance in this case is important because the subclass COMBO can basically retrieve methods in the superclass RADIO by easily