These come from ancient European stories gathered by the Greek doctor Ctesias based on Indian travelers' accounts. The unicorn was also being 'discovered' in Asia, where the Japanese believed this creature brought justice by punishing criminals, piercing their horns through their hearts. The Chinese had a unicorn which was peaceful, like the European unicorn, which was swift, isolated, and multicolored. It was a symbol of a just and good ruler, could live thousands of years, and had magical writing tattooed on its back of dragon scales. It was clear that the class enjoyed the variety of information I was giving, like these stories and descriptions from other cultures, even though the general topic itself was seemingly broad. I was worried I'd get off-topic, but at lunch when I first wrote this, Stephanie told me that she ended up writing about politicians in her journal. That in mind, I suppose I'm not too far off track.
These come from ancient European stories gathered by the Greek doctor Ctesias based on Indian travelers' accounts. The unicorn was also being 'discovered' in Asia, where the Japanese believed this creature brought justice by punishing criminals, piercing their horns through their hearts. The Chinese had a unicorn which was peaceful, like the European unicorn, which was swift, isolated, and multicolored. It was a symbol of a just and good ruler, could live thousands of years, and had magical writing tattooed on its back of dragon scales. It was clear that the class enjoyed the variety of information I was giving, like these stories and descriptions from other cultures, even though the general topic itself was seemingly broad. I was worried I'd get off-topic, but at lunch when I first wrote this, Stephanie told me that she ended up writing about politicians in her journal. That in mind, I suppose I'm not too far off track.