They gave years upon years of dedication to this country and they end up being impoverished. THAT IS NOT OKAY! There is so much we can do to provide homes for these Veterans. We can stop sending money to other countries and we can use that money to take care of them. Why is it that we take care of people in other countries when we should be taking care of the people in our country? Yes I know that we get a whole bunch of stuff from other countries that we use in our everyday lives. But that is called business. We cannot just give money to people that need it in other countries when we need it here. Why would we do that? It is anarchy…. It makes no sense. Another thing we could do to get money to take care of our veterans is we could stop doing road construction that …show more content…
For example, my Grandpa is a veteran, but he already has a home and a family to fall back on. Some people that are in the military do not have a home. They cannot afford a home and they can barely afford food after they are done being in the military. Some people don't have a family to take care of them. It is not like the veterans wanted this. They did not think that they were going to be homeless after all that they have done for us. That is why we need to assure them that they will be taken care of if the need to be taken care of. The people in the military to to know that they will not be out on the streets after what they have done for