Second, is where and why personal values are important in the business world. Understanding values is a benefit to both employees and managers and have implications in policy for organizations. From the employee and manager perspective understanding values helps managers create effective motivational structures. This allows a manager to use the right kind of motivational tool to encourage workers to be more efficient in their duties. From an organizational perspective being able to match values of a particular job to an employee is beneficial. Matching the employee with the right manager is also important as conflicts between employees and managers often stem from value differences (Posner, & Munson, 1979). Groups that have similar values tend to work better together in general, reach an agreement on a decision more quickly and feel more confident that those in groups where they have more differences.
Finally, according to the paper they use a tool called Rokeach Value Survey. This survey measures value systems. It can differentiate between groups of people such as managers and employees and predict successful from non successful employees (Posner, & Munson, 1979). The survey can help businesses evaluate the values that employees in a company have and understand them better.
I believe that values play a very important role in not only the day to day interaction between employees and managers but