“They show that ambition has positive long term implications”(text4) This quote demonstrates how ambition not only changes peoples lives in the present time but is also beneficial in the long term. As a person goes through life they use the ambition they have to strive to do their best and only their best. The article also said “ambition does not make on miserable nor does it create feelings of unquenchable desires for outcomes beyond stretch goals” (text4) This quote means that ambition does not go away even if the goal that was supposed to be reached was not meant. “How do we recognize ambition? Can we measure it? Can it be taught or learned? Or can it be developed during adulthood?” (Text 5) It is believed that ambition can be taught if a child grows up with ambitious parents or relatives. This becomes beneficial to the child when they grow up because the will have great ambition, because while they were growing up the watched all the ambitious people in their life become successful and wise and they will then want to be ambitious like them and also become successful. Ambition could be controversial about wether or not it is beneficial or destructive. But with the textual evidence, it is clear that ambition is beneficial. Even if the ambition is being used for the wrong things it is still a great thing to have. Ambition helps people strive to do their best and work hard for the things they
“They show that ambition has positive long term implications”(text4) This quote demonstrates how ambition not only changes peoples lives in the present time but is also beneficial in the long term. As a person goes through life they use the ambition they have to strive to do their best and only their best. The article also said “ambition does not make on miserable nor does it create feelings of unquenchable desires for outcomes beyond stretch goals” (text4) This quote means that ambition does not go away even if the goal that was supposed to be reached was not meant. “How do we recognize ambition? Can we measure it? Can it be taught or learned? Or can it be developed during adulthood?” (Text 5) It is believed that ambition can be taught if a child grows up with ambitious parents or relatives. This becomes beneficial to the child when they grow up because the will have great ambition, because while they were growing up the watched all the ambitious people in their life become successful and wise and they will then want to be ambitious like them and also become successful. Ambition could be controversial about wether or not it is beneficial or destructive. But with the textual evidence, it is clear that ambition is beneficial. Even if the ambition is being used for the wrong things it is still a great thing to have. Ambition helps people strive to do their best and work hard for the things they