
Imigrant Chronicle and Gran Torino

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Imigrant Chronicle and Gran Torino
An individual’s interaction with others and the world around them can enrich or limit their experience of belonging.
Discuss this statement with detailed reference to the prescribed text and ONE text of your own choosing.
It is arguable weather an individual’s interaction with others and the world around them either enriches or limits their experience of belonging. In Peter Skrzynechi’s anthology “Immigrant Chronicle” this statement is explored via two of his poems, “Migrant Hostel” and “In the Folk Museum”. Clint Eastwood’s 2008 film Gran Torino also demonstrates similar themes and concepts. However both these texts are relevant and illustrate how one’s interaction can strengthen or alienate their experience of acceptance and identity. Through connections with people, place and community, shared interactions and events these concepts are revealed.
An enriched sense of acceptance can result from interactions with other and the world around them and Peter Skrzynecki portrays this concept well in his poem “Migrant Hostel”. He uses techniques such as similes to describe how it is ‘instinct’, to want to experience acceptance and relate to those that have shared experiences or culture, “Nationalities sought each other out instinctively – like homing pigeons”. This natural necessity is symbolized well by the ‘homing pigeons’ as the birds try to find their home so do the people at the migrant hostel, they are always in search of people with the same background as them just to share and feel a sense of identity as they did in their original home.
An individual’s sense of identity can be empowered by interactions with others and their world around them. This concept is also revealed in Clint Eastwood’s film Gran Torino through his connections with his neighbors and community. The composer portrays this idea of acceptance when Thao’s sister, Walt’s neighbors, goes missing. Walt Kowalski and the Lor family sit around a table waiting and hoping. “Maybe somewhere her

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