Are humans inherently good or evil? Some people would say that humans are naturally good and compassionate, and have to try to be evil. Others argue that humans are evil, and to be good we have to overcome the evilness that naturally resides in us. In reality, mankind is neither inherently good nor evil. It is our brain development, upbringing, culture, and environment that determines where people are morally. There are several reasons why it cannot be argued that humans are inherently good. One reason is that oxytocin, a hormone found in the bloodstream, makes us feel empathy, and is found in 95% of people tested when they receive a positive social signal. If it is only found in 95% of the people they tested, …show more content…
what about the other 5%? For a topic like humans being innately good or evil, it cannot be argued it is intrinsic for some and not for others. Paul Zak, who completed the experiment, claims the people who didn’t release oxytocin have the traits of a psychopath. He writes, “They are charming, deceptive, and even self-deceptive. When there is money that can be shared with others they unabashedly keep it all for themselves. Greed, you will remember is one of the seven deadly sins,”(Zak 1). Psychopaths are not the only people who have these characteristics. To say anyone who is charming is a psychopath is a gross miscalculation. Oxytocin is a hormone and hormones are controlled by the brain like melatonin, dopamine, serotonin, etc. Hormone levels fluctuate and can even be too low or too high, causing illnesses such as depression, anxiety, even schizophrenia. Medication can be taken to help even out hormone levels. So should people with low levels of oxytocin be medicated to ward off the “evil”? It wouldn’t be ethical to medicate people who do not have this “moral molecule” because it is based on the assumption that we need empathy to survive as a society, when actually all empathy really is, is a nice characteristic to have and is not at all necessary for human survival. (Zak1) It can also be argued humans are naturally evil.
Humans share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees and bonobos. Chimps are more violent while bonobos don’t fight as much as they enjoy other activities like sex. It makes one wonder whether or not humans are chimpanzees or bonobos. “’s easy to see the similarities between an organized chimp ambush and our own guerilla warfare practices,” (Grant 3). While that is true, one has to also look at other aspects of human history. Ancient human ancestors followed both philosophies of love and war. Ancient Greece and Rome was famous for both its orgies and wars. Throughout history humanity has been maniacs about both love and war, fighting and sex. To argue humans are more like chimpanzees because of their guerilla warfare practices must mean they are also like bonobos because of their sexual prowess. Although it’s not a fair comparison. Humans as a species are more advanced and evolved than any other species on the planet. There is a government to regulate things such as our fighting and intercourse. Humans may share their DNA with the chimpanzees and bonobos, but our social structures are completely different. Humans have a more civilized way of dealing with things other than just fighting. There are debates, discussions, persuasive essays, and simply talking things out. Chimpanzees aren’t evolved enough to do things such as debate or discuss a topic of disagreement. So, to say people are like chimpanzees because of the shared DNA …show more content…
only goes so far. (Grant 3) What humans interpret as good or evil has to do with a variety of factors.
Many cultures disagree with what the others are doing and say that it’s “evil”. Growing up in a society where women wear burkas may make the western civilizations seem evil for not making their women do that. On the other side many people in the western world see middle eastern men as cruel or evil for having their women wear that, when all it is. is a social, religious, and cultural difference. As was said before, the brain also has a lot to do with our development. Hormone levels in the brain can control whether or not someone has a mental illness. It cannot be said someone with schizophrenia is evil because they see and or hear things that “normal” people can’t. That person is not in control of their hormone levels, and should not be ostracized for that. If one was to take a hit to the head it could also damage the brain and alter their personality. “When injury or disease affects the brain’s functioning, life is inevitably changed, either physically or mentally. Sometimes the changes are subtle and even benign, as in the case of ‘gourmand syndrome.’ All too often they are not,” (Wade and Tavris 107). So not all people can be born evil, they could have some brain trauma that can distort how one thinks or
There are many different views on whether humans are inherently good or evil. It can be argued either one way or the other. The reality of humanity is that people are influenced by a variety of factors that can determine their moral standing. To say that people are inherently anything but human would not necessarily be right. Being human means that people make mistakes. They could be malicious without meaning to be, or do an act of kindness without second thought.