Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relatively new approach to managing people in any organization. People are considered the key resource in this approach. It is concerned with the people dimension in management of an organization. Since an organization is a body of people, their acquisition, development of skills, motivation for higher levels of attainments, as well as ensuring maintenance of their level of commitment are all significant activities. These activities fall in the domain of HRM.
Human Resource Management is a process, which consists of four main activities, namely, acquisition, development, motivation, as well as maintenance of human resources.
Scott, Clothier and Spriegel have defined Human Resource Management as that branch of management which is responsible on a staff basis for concentrating on those aspects of operations which are primarily concerned with the relationship of management to employees and employees to employees and with the development of the individual and the group.
Human Resource Management is responsible for maintaining good human relations in the organization. It is also concerned with development of individuals and achieving integration of goals of the organization and those of the individuals.
Northcott considers human resource management as an extension of general management, that of prompting and stimulating every employee to make his fullest contribution to the purpose of a business. Human resource management is not something that could be separated from the basic managerial function. It is a major component of the broader managerial function.
French Wendell, defines ―Human resource management as the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation and motivation of human resources by the organization”.
According to Edwin B. Flippo, ―Human resource management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, resources to the end