
Huck Finn

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Huck Finn
Chris Vidal
Mrs. Goska
American Lit per 5
March 20th, 2012
Jim is a human? In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn we see a boy by the name of Huck have a change in mindset on his African American friend Jim. Huck starts off with the normal mindset of society in his period of time. This though changes throughout the book. We see Huck view Jim as inhuman, to a human who is also his best friend. At the beginning of the story Huck starts off with the mindset of any normal boy his age during this time, ignorant and quite un educated. We see an example of this very early on when he is still living with Miss Watson. "Miss Watsons big negro, named Jim" (pg 4). We see Huck here refer to Jim as Miss Watsons' when he is introducing him for the first time. This is happening as him and Tom Sawyer are trying to sneak out at night to meet for the first time with their band of robbers. It is obvious that as just stated, he is being to referred to at first as just property. Specifically belonging to Miss Watson, if he wasn't there would have been no need to add the extra information. Though it is brief, he still show no feeling or significance to him as a character or person for that matter. Signs that Huck does believe that Jim is a regular do not take long to come up though, the first sign we see is when we find Huck on the island just out of town in which he ran off too. He then finds Jim also there, puzzled he does ask him what business he has doing there. Jim is hesitant to answer knowing Hucks old relation to Miss Watson and worried that he will turn him in. Though after making him swear that he will not say anything, Jim confesses to him why he is there. He explains to Huck his fear of being moved down south and not being able to ever see his family again and because of that he just had to leave. Obviously Huck is shocked by this, but still tells Jim not to worry that he certainly will keep his secret as promised. "Well, I did, I said I wouldn't and I'll

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