Question 1: Please list two bits of information, statistics or facts that you found at some of these links which interested and/or surprised you?
Two bits of information, statistics or facts I found:
Every year, more people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war (UNDESA, 2014)
1.6 billion people, or almost one quarter of the world's population, face economic water shortage (UNDESA, 2014) Question 2: Explain, in your own words, what the difference is between water quality and water quantity?
I will like to put Water quality as the worth or degree of goodness of water at a point in time. While water quantity is the amount of available water at a point in time
Question 3: Is water quantity or quality the biggest issue in your local village/town/city? Why? Explain.
A very critical look at my current town of residence, will detect that neither water quantity or quality is a …show more content…
(Global Water Partners, 2012)
Question 6: Would IWRM work to help water issues in your local village/town/city?
They may, if the need arises; but for now, I don’t think water is challenge is my town.
Global Water Partners. (2012). What is IWRM?. Retrieved from [Date Retrieved: May 19, 2017].
UNDESA. (2014, October 23). Water Quality. Water for life decade. Retrieved from [Date Retrieved: May 19, 2017].
UNDESA. (2014, November 11). Water Scarcity. Water for life decade. Retrieved from [Date Retrieved: May 19,