Why on earth would we look up to …show more content…
Many celebrities today are on the media, not just on TV shows or movies, but also as representatives and sponsors for companies. This causes them to have a very major influence on both older and younger generations alike. Much power is held over individuals’ lifestyle and well-being, if this was used for the greater good than they could be great role models. Celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, and Justin Bieber control the youth, the media focus on them opens the inevitable possibility of the younger generation copying …show more content…
In the entirety of his career his clothing style and attitude has been copied by many teenage boys across the United States of America. He, and many other musical artists have been known to partake in the smoking of marijuana and the drinking of alcohol. This is partly the reason that many teenagers are going into these dark places and doing such actions, the songs of the artists they listen to promote these self-harming acts and it encourages them to partake in it. Of course it would be a very ignorant thing to say that all celebrities are bad role models, for that is not the