
How far was peaceful protest responsible for the successes of the civil rights movement in the years 1955- 1964?

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How far was peaceful protest responsible for the successes of the civil rights movement in the years 1955- 1964?
How far was peaceful protest responsible for the successes of the civil rights movement in the years 1955 - 1964?
Peaceful protest in the years 1955 to 1964 helped the civil rights movement little by little through the use of forcing the government to implement legal change. The laws that were passed mostly ended segregation in public places such as the law passed in 1956 that banned segregation of busses. This law was a result of the Browder vs. Gayle case that revolved around Aurelia Browder who refused to give up her seat to a white person, this stemmed from the Montgomery Bus Boycott of the previous year. She was backed up by the NACCP and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court who ruled in her favour and thus making segregation on all bus services illegal. Peaceful protest also helped to gain the support of white people in power and ordinary white people, therefore putting more pressure on the government to make the demands of black people a reality. However peaceful protest was not very good at making de-jure legation into de-facto reality as it was very easy to ignore these laws due to wide spread racism and corrupt police forces. There were also other factors at work that were responsible for the success
The Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 primary aim was force the bus companies to desegregate their busses. They did this by displaying the economic power of the black population. They did this by walking or carpooling to their destination instead of paying for the bus. The boycott lasted a whole year, which was a massive achievement in itself due to the high level of logistical planning needed to avoid using the bus services daily, and by the end it could be said that they accomplished their goal as nearly all black people managed to live without the bus meaning that the bus companies lost 65% of their income. Due to this the boycott drew much media attention witch was important as it broadcast their cause to a wide audience. However no laws were

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