2. Scientists organize primates into two suborders called the Strepsirrhini and Haplorrhini. A variety of the primates that are in the suborder Strepsirrhini are nocturnal and they have an abundance of adaptations to living in the dark, including a good sense of smell, big eyes, and free- moving ears. In contradiction, in the Haplorrhini, certain attributes relevant to increased complication of behavior, …show more content…
Larger body size is one of several traits that can offer a selective advantage and thus can get passed on to future offspring of successful males. The dimorphism is a result of mating pressure. Most primates are sexually dimorphic for different biological characteristics, such as body size, canine tooth size, craniofacial structure, skeletal dimensions, pelage color, and markings and vocalization. However, such sex differences are primarily limited to the anthropoid primates; most of the strepsirrhine primates (lemurs and lorises) and tarsiers are monomorphic. Also, differential parental investment between the sexes accounts for female mate choice. The number of offspring produced by female primates is often limited due to the limited amount of eggs she has so, females choose their mates that possess certain desirable