How does Knowledge Management improve the Service Industry?
Author: Paween Pusaksrikit
Tutor: Jörgen Lindh
Jönköping: June 2006 i Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................ 4
1.1 Problem Discussion................................................................................4
1.2 Purpose ..................................................................................................5
1.3 Research Questions ...............................................................................5
1.4 Keywords................................................................................................5
2 Methodology............................................................................... 6
2.1 Qualitative research................................................................................6
2.2 Case study: definition .............................................................................6
2.3 Single-case vs. multiple-case designs....................................................7
2.4 Reliability and validity .............................................................................7
2.5 Data collection methods .........................................................................8
2.6 Data analysis and exposition..................................................................8
3. Theoretical frame of reference................................................... 9
3.1 Service Industry .....................................................................................9
3.2 The concept "Knowledge" ......................................................................9
3.2.1 Knowledge creation ..............................................................................10
3.2.2 Knowledge codification.........................................................................11
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