Without authority creating a specific pre-established government for the settlers, the pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact. This written constitution created a simple self-representative system where the freemen vote on decisions and the majority rules. This system of government later developed in the Massachusetts Bay colony under John Winthrop. Although he despised democracy, due to the fact he though the colonists were not fit to rule, Winthrop created a general assembly. This assembly of freemen were able to elect a governor that would represent the people in court. These small systems of colonist rule within the English colonies established the foundations of a representative government.
Running the Virginia Bay Colony along the Chesapeake Bay sparked the need for a system of rule. The joint stock company allowed the colonists to establish the House of Burgesses to encourage labor in the Americas. This miniature parliament was later recognized as a threat to the mother country as they saw it as a “seminary of sedition”, a start of a separate rule from England. While the House of Burgesses fell into the English crown’s control, it still formed a representative government where many of members and the elected governors were in charge of