
How Did Industrialization Affect America

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How Did Industrialization Affect America
De-Industrialization and its effect on America

America has gone through many changes over the course of its storied history. The country built itself into a world power on the hard work, perseverance, and ingenuity of its workers. The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, the rise of the automobile, and the boom in manufacturing during and post-World War II, all put American manufacturing to the forefront

of the world. Because of its supremacy, American employment, the economy and the overall moral of its citizens were at an all-time high. Jobs were abundant and the average family all could own a home, car and live their own version of the “American Dream”. That “dream” began crumbling starting from the mid 1980’s and has progressed
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Industry”: is the process of making products by using machinery and factories, while “Manufacturing” is: the process of making products especially with machines in factories. So I consider them both as the same from here forward. Manufacturing has been around in one form or the other since man created civilization, but I’m considering the 19th Century to the present day as the basis of this paper. In the 19th Century and the Industrial Revolution was the first time “machine tools” and “assembly lines” were used in manufacturing. This was a benefit and sped up production greatly, as products were now able to be produced more rapidly and in greater quantities. Henry Ford used the assembly line and incorporated his own ideas to revolutionize the auto industry and make cars a reality for the average American. “That efficiency of mass production enabled him to reduce the cost of the Model T Touring car from $950 in 1908 to just $290 in 1925 while increasing production during that time from just more than 10,000 to nearly 2 million cars per year”. (1) This obviously changed America as the average person was able to afford an automobile, but also began a dangerous standard in the auto industry of cost cutting and finding the cheapest way possible to manufacture their products.

Finding the cheapest or most inexpensive way to produce their products has not only caused the auto industry, but
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Their low wages and the fact Wal-Mart won’t supply them with benefits costs the United States dearly. The employees then use public assistance for health care, food stamps and other tax-related programs “It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, or between $3,015 and $5,815 on average for each of 300 workers.” (5) So all in all, The huge growth of Wal-Mart’s due mostly to the fact 70% of the products are from China have an extreme negative effect of

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