Within the imperfect world, humans are placed above animals in the hierarchy, putting humans in a position of power over animals. Divided world cosmologies hold a belief in a created world that God had set in place for his followers. In this historical context, conquests were meant to bring gold, glory and power, and to spread Christianity. Carol Delaney wrote, “A letter written in February 1502, but perhaps never sent, to Pope Alexander VI stated, "This enterprise was undertaken with the purpose of expending what was invested in aiding the holy temple and the holy Church," (Letter 1502 [Rusconi 1997:17]” Christopher Columbus began his conquest with the intention of using this money and power to spread Christianity and eventually conquering Jerusalem. By conquering Jerusalem, they hoped to convert the religious center of Judaism to Catholicism. These intentions were very likely the same as Hernan Cortes’ when he began his conquest. Seeing as religion played such an important role in the conquest, it would have a noticeable impact on the interactions between them and the
Within the imperfect world, humans are placed above animals in the hierarchy, putting humans in a position of power over animals. Divided world cosmologies hold a belief in a created world that God had set in place for his followers. In this historical context, conquests were meant to bring gold, glory and power, and to spread Christianity. Carol Delaney wrote, “A letter written in February 1502, but perhaps never sent, to Pope Alexander VI stated, "This enterprise was undertaken with the purpose of expending what was invested in aiding the holy temple and the holy Church," (Letter 1502 [Rusconi 1997:17]” Christopher Columbus began his conquest with the intention of using this money and power to spread Christianity and eventually conquering Jerusalem. By conquering Jerusalem, they hoped to convert the religious center of Judaism to Catholicism. These intentions were very likely the same as Hernan Cortes’ when he began his conquest. Seeing as religion played such an important role in the conquest, it would have a noticeable impact on the interactions between them and the