Boxer keeps the animals at bay. Every time that Napoleon made a decision that the animals didn’t like the sheep would say ‘Four legs good, two legs bad’ (). But when the meetings where over and the animals would start to talk, but Boxer always said ‘Napoleon is always right’ () making the animals believe him; and stop them from continuing the conversation. Also Boxer was a leader to all the animals. …show more content…
When the animals were starving Boxer would tell them that they would get food soon if the work got done faster. Everyday Boxer would wake up earlier to start work faster and get more done; and stay up later to get more done. The animals would watch Boxer work harder each day and get more done. Also Boxer helped Napoleon in more ways than one.
Boxer helped Napoleon. Boxer worked ten times harder than all the animals combined. Boxer woke up earlier than the other animals, and stayed up later than the other animals working on the windmill. Boxer also helped Napoleon by being a good role model; and when the animals believed Napoleon was doing something wrong or doing something they didn’t agree with they would start to disagree, but Boxer would state ‘Napoleon is always right’, and they would stop talking about Napoleon. Also when Boxer would say ‘I shall work harder’ the other animals would look at him in disbelief and work a little