Title: Wharton 's The House of Mirth
Author(s): Daniel Manheim
Source: The Explicator. 60.2 (Winter 2002): p81. From Literature Resource Center.
Document Type: Critical essay …show more content…
(2.) According to Richard Poirier in The Renewal of Literature: Emersonian Reflections, the scene, in effect, replays her fateful conversation with Lawrence Selden at Bellomont, in which their dialogue enacts what Emerson calls "perpetual inchoation"--a condition of constant disequilibrium that creates a constant sense of possibility" (Poirier 172).
Dickinson, Emily. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Ed. R. W. Franklin. Variorum ed. Vol. 1. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap P of Harvard UP, 1998.
Fryer, Judith. "Reading Mrs. Lloyd." Edith Wharton: New Critical Essays. Ed. Alfred Bendixen and Annette Zilversmit. New York: Garland, 1992,
Penny, Nicholas, ed. Reynolds. London: Royal Academy of Arts in association with Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1986.
Poirier, Richard. The Renewal of Literature: Emersonian Reflections. New Haven: Random House, 1987.
Wharton, Edith. The House of Mirth. New York: Library of America,