We all remember the meat scandal back in 2012-2013 that was all over the news. There were some tests on certain types of meat in a supermarket and the content of the package didn’t turn out to be what the label said it was. This resulted in a huge outbreak of tests all over Europe. More and more products came out to be lies. Horsemeat was one of the more popular deceiving products sold on the market. People expect certain standards and assurances when they buy products from a store, this showed us how little we know about what we eat and how it is brought to our plate. It still remains as one of the biggest business ethics violations of this century.
The scandal escalated quickly, we don’t know what we eat anymore and it is a very alarming topic in Europe. Britain saw many problematic cases. One of the biggest supermarket chains was no exception to the scandal. Tesco was found to have 60% horsemeat on their shelves. More then half of the meat sold had an origin of false labeling. Many of the products had to be thrown away or were sold at a reduced price with a new label pasted on it.
But why horsemeat? It has a few good economical advantages. Horsemeat is not cheaper to raise then cow meat or many other types of meat but it’s still cheaper to sell. Horses are mostly raised for …show more content…
Even if big percentages were falsely labeled we still love it. The production of meat is cheaper then ever; this is one more reason to buy more meat. The consumption rate in one year for 2007 in Luxembourg was 137 kg per person. This shows that we clearly don’t hold back our appetite when it comes to meat. However people like to know what they are eating. Part of the problem originates from the supermarket that puts unreasonably low prices on meat, which pushes producers to cheaper and illegal production. It can be very tempting for producers because the process is not