What has and will be done for our homeless veterans? Our veterans are an important part to society. They gave their lives to protect their country every day. Though many face hard times and homelessness they are still part of society. The Department of Veteran Affairs has in place a plan to end homelessness by the end of this year. The public can lend a hand in helping to end veteran homelessness. Our veterans are falling asleep under the stars, on a bench, under a bridge, or in a tent city. Veterans are important people and our country would not be where it is without them. Even though veterans may put themselves in the situation, society and the Department …show more content…
Many veterans have drug abuse, alcoholism, or criminal backgrounds. Veterans have many health issues and mental health issues. Often veterans have gotten out of the military and are suffering from PTSD, sexual trauma, and many other illnesses. They may not have family support and in turn they turn to alternatives to try and make them feel comfort. My goal is to open eyes and seek answers for what is and has been done for our homeless veterans.
Veterans are receiving help from multiple agencies. Living on the streets, in and out of jail, and on drugs Mr. Cook was fortunate to have gotten the help he needed. He has been clean for more than six months and is looking for work. Thanks to an initiative between the Department of Veteran Affairs and a real estate developer in San Francisco Mr. Cook along with about 129 other homeless veterans are getting off the streets. This will be the first time Mr. Cook has had a stable roof over his head in 17 years (State Health, 2014).
Validity of the main …show more content…
30 Community based outpatient clinics reported that the rural homeless veterans they were in contact with had many different reasons for their homelessness (Adler, G., Prichett, L. R., Kauth, M. R., &Mott, J., 2014). Out of those that were reported 57% were substance abuse, 53% was due to unemployment, and 45% of those veterans had a mental illness as to why they are now homeless. During this report they broke down the rural homeless veterans as most of your VA community based clinics are in rural areas not close to a major