Nonetheless, Clinton served as first lady during her husbands, President Bill Clintons presidential terms, along with being senator and secretary of state. With each and every position health care issues have been on her agenda. Captured by, Clinton stated, “Health care is a basic right.” ( Therefore on this note her healthcare proposal is centered on getting everyone covered and bring costs down. As mentioned in the Hilary for America website, through her healthcare proposal, she seeks to support the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and will build on it to reduce the out-of-pocket expenses. Furthermore, she is also determined to reduce the costs for prescription drugs, along with protecting women’s access to reproductive health care …show more content…
“Under [Hilary’s] plan, patients could visit a doctor three times without it counting towards their annual deductible” ( Along with that, she would create a tax credit of up to $5,000 to aid families that will high medical expenses ( Along with that Mrs. Clinton plans on imposing a $250 monthly cap on prescription drugs, and is in favor of prescription drug imports, which would drive the cost of medications down ( Overall, as a whole, she is committed to improve the quality care for us, Americans. And last but not least, she also wants to ensure women have access to reproductive health care, which includes Planned Parenthood, and providing women with preventative care ( Hilary’s health care proposal seeks to address all of the three main issues. She basically is calling for lower costs, supplying people with better health care assess, and to make sure they obtain improved quality care. Since she refers to the health care a basic right, her reform sets on the ideas of providing Americans with quality care, at a lower