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Health Care Information Terms

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Health Care Information Terms
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Health Care Information Systems Terms

Define the following terms. Your definitions must be in your own words; do not copy them from the textbook.

After you have defined each term in your own words, describe in 40 to 60 words the health care setting in which each term would be applied. Utilize a minimum of two research sources to support your claims—one from the University Library and the other from the textbook. Be sure to cite your sources in the References section consistent with APA guidelines.

|Term |Definition |How Used in Healthcare |
|Health Insurance Portability and |Put into place, in 1996, to stop |HIPAA basically states that you have to be |
|Accountability Act (HIPAA) |unauthorized individuals from viewing |authorized to view patient health |
| |patient health information. |information and only a minimum amount of |
| | |information can be disclosed. It regulates |
| | |who is able to access a patient’s health |
| | |information, how information is saved, and |
| | |how private health information has to be |
| | |handled for all individuals. It also |
| | |promotes patient safety and protection. |
|Electronic medical record |(EMR) Digital records that contain clinical|Electronic medical records make way for |
| |information, which are taken care of in an |easy storage, possession, changes of |
| |organization that provides care, such as a |records, and effective integration for |
| |hospital. |clinical workflow. Electronic medical |
| | |records have also formed into a system. |
| | |Electronic medical record systems are the |
| | |focal point of any computerized health |
| | |information system. |
|Electronic health record |(EHR) Digital record of patient health |Some of the subjects that electronic health|
| |information propagated by one or more |records provide information on are the |
| |health care organization(s) in any care |patient’s progress, medications, |
| |delivery setting. |demographics, past medical history, and |
| | |immunizations. Electronic health records |
| | |are able to create records of a patient’s |
| | |encounter, based on the activities and |
| | |outcomes. Additionally, EHRs can be shared |
| | |among various organizations. |
|Personal health record |(PHR) Health record handled, and conserved |Personal health records are maintained by |
| |by an individual |the patient, allowing the individual to |
| | |gather thorough and correct data on their |
| | |health, including their medical history. |
| | |This information can also be accessed |
| | |electronically or from a hard drive, to |
| | |authorized individuals. The information in |
| | |personal health records are chosen by the |
| | |patient and saved their way. |
|Computerized provider order entry system |(CPOE) A system where clinicians enter |Computerized provider order entry systems |
| |medication orders into a computer system |are common in inpatient settings. This is |
| |then send the order to a pharmacy, |because these systems are able to greatly |
| |promptly. |decrease problems with medication, |
| | |ordering, and transcribing. These systems |
| | |also make sure that the orders are |
| | |thorough, standardized, and clear. They are|
| | |vital to healthcare organizations. |
|Unique patient identifier |Identity of a person, dealing with |The unique patient identifier is overall |
| |specific, personal characters that make |used to verify a person’s identity. Being |
| |them easily recognizable |that many people have stolen another |
| | |person’s identity, the unique patient |
| | |identifier is able to identify the real |
| | |individuals. It is used to positively |
| | |determine the identification of an |
| | |individual for healthcare-related purposes.|
|Protected health information |(PHI) Any related health information about |Some of the links of PHI, under HIPAA, |
| |an individual, which is held under the |consist of phone numbers, names, account |
| |rules and regulations of HIPAA |numbers, license numbers, dates, |
| | |geographical subdivisions, social security,|
| | |photos, e-mails, addresses, etc. All of |
| | |this information has to be protected, |
| | |according to the regulations of HIPAA. Any |
| | |person, who violates HIPAA’s rules, |
| | |invading PHI, will be penalized. |
|Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |(CMS) federal agency that supervises the |CMS play a huge role in the healthcare |
| |Medicare/Medicaid programs, working with |field. These centers are in charge of |
| |states, and also maintains specific HIPAA |running Medicare, Medicaid, and the (SCHIP)|
| |codes |State Children’s Health Insurance Program. |
| | |It also makes certain that its |
| | |beneficiaries are aware of the services for|
| | |which they are eligible, that services are |
| | |accessible, and that they are provided in |
| | |an effective manner (HealthFinder.Gov, |
| | |2008). |
|Covered entities |All health care providers, plans, or |Individuals, organizations, and agencies |
| |clearinghouses |that meet the definition of a covered |
| | |entity under HIPAA must comply with the |
| | |Rules ' requirements to protect the privacy |
| | |and security of health information and must|
| | |provide individuals with certain rights |
| | |with respect to their health information |
| | |(U.S. Department of Health & Human |
| | |Services, 2011). |
|Health information exchange |Transmittal of healthcare-related |HIE is an integral component of the health |
| |information among organizations, agencies, |information technology (HIT) infrastructure|
| |and facilities. It is transmitted according|under development in the United States and |
| |to national standards. |the associated National Health Information |
| | |Network (NHIN) |
| | |The goal of HIE development is to better |
| | |healthcare delivery and information |
| | |gathering. (TechTarget, 2011). |

References (2008). “Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – CMS.” Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from

OpenClinical. (2001-2009). “Electronic Medical Records, Electronic Health Records.” Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from

TechTarget. (2009-2011). “Health Information Exchange.” Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2011). “For Covered Entities.” Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from

Wager, K.A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). “Health Care Information Systems: A practical approach for health care management” (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Boss.

References: (2008). “Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – CMS.” Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from TechTarget. (2009-2011). “Health Information Exchange.” Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from Retrieved on February 21, 2011 from Wager, K.A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). “Health Care Information Systems: A practical  approach for health care management” (2nd ed.)

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