Types of medication:-
Antibiotics:- antibiotics are medication which destroy or slow down the growth of bacteria, they are used to treat infections which are caused by bacteria. Most of the time the body’s immune system can fight off bacteria but in cases in which the body cannot antibiotics are used to destroy them. Antibiotics are either given orally, applied to the skin in ointment form or injected, this all depends on the type of infection the body is currently trying to fight off, for example skin infections are treated with ointment, oral antibiotics are used to fight of moderate infections and injective antibiotics are most commonly used in the hospitals and are reserved for serious infections.
Analgesics:- analgesics are a medication which are used to relieve pain, this is done by blocking pain signals which are sent from the brain or by interfering with the signals. Analgesics are most commonly found in paracetamol and ibuprofen and are used for pain such as headaches. There are three common ways in which analgesics can be administered, these are; orally for moderate pain such as headaches, intravenous which is used in hospitals when an individual goes on a drip, epidurals are used when women are in labour.
Antihistamines:- antihistamines are medication which are used to relieve the symptoms of allergies. Antihistamines work by blocking the chemical release which happens when the body is allergic to something. Antihistamines are most commonly found in Piriton which is commonly used for hay fever symptoms. Antihistamines can be taken in oral or inhalation form using a nasal spray. The oral form targets itching, runny nose and sneezing, the nasal spray works on congestion, itching and runny nose.
Antacids:- Antacids are medication which are used to neutralize acid that is produced in the stomach, antacids increase the PH which reduces the acidity in the stomach,