The Idea That A woman could be a Pharaoh or a king in Ancient Egypt was obnoxious where men dominated the life of the Government. However, in the 1507 the wife of Thuthmose I1 the Queen Ahmose gave birth to their older daughter the woman who was historically confirmed as a Pharaoh and successfully ruled a nation for more than 20 years5 and was longest reigning female of her time 3 ,her name was Hatshepsut which means "Foremost of Noble Women" . Hatshepsut was the wife of ThutmoseⅡwho was the son of Thutmose Ⅰ and Mutnofret and he was the fourth Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt , Thutmose Ⅱ chose to marry his Royal Half-sister Hatshepsut after her father’s death when she was at the age of 12 , at that time Hatshepsut became the queen of Ancient Egypt while her husband had a son who was named Thutmose III from a minor wife. After …show more content…
Hatshepsut’s Mortuary temple was built to the queen Hatshepsut’s own glory and as a home for the God Amun, and therefore it was called “The Great Seat of Amun” . However, this temple was special and characteristic than most of the other funerary Temples during the new kingdom temples due to its distinctive architecture as well as the materials used to build it, as it was built of limestone, not sandstone like most of the temples, it was also Hatshepsut’s Greatest temple which was much larger than most of the other Pharaohs temples . This Temple was called a lot of names which all goes back to the God Amun, for example, it was known as a "garden for her father" (Amun), as the temple had exotic trees and shrubs that were planted in its lower courtyard. After the reign of Queen Hatshepsut her beautiful temple was destroyed by her stepson Thutmose III6 who destroyed most of her monuments and