The Roman army, led by Publius Cornelius Scipio the Elder, was seemingly prepared for Hannibal’s attack on Rome. Scipio enlisted the help of his brother, Gnaeus, in an effort to prevent an invasion of Rome. After an overdue attempt at blocking Hannibal at Massilia, Hannibal rerouted north towards the Rhone River. Scipio then sent Gnaeus to Spain to fight off any Carthaginian forces that may have been planning to join Hannibal at a later time. Since Hannibal …show more content…
With two leaders, the Romans could alternate leadership daily and possibly benefit from the individual strengths of both Varro and Paulus. During the battle of Cannae, Varro decided to push forward with an attack against Hannibal, ignoring Paulus’ reservations. Hannibal was prepared for a strategic battle and lined his army up in flanks near the river banks. The typical army setup placed the cavalry at the wings and the infantry at the center. Instead, Hannibal sent the weaker Gauls and Spanish foot soldiers to the center and reserved stronger African foot soldiers for the flanks. The Romans advanced towards the Gauls and Spanish, but the Africans moved inward, surrounding the Romans from both sides. The Romans were trapped and unable to escape defeat. Hannibal proved that strategy is more valuable than