The Code of Hammurabi is one of the earliest written set of laws known to man.
Hammurabi was the ruler who created the set of codes for his people with the sole purpose of preventing chaos. Today, laws and our system of government exist for the same reason, specifically maintaining stability, protecting property, and preserving the state. Laws are not a question of what is “good” or “bad”, but rather a social contract citizens compose to keep order.
Adversely, the study and adoption of ethics answers the questions of appropriate human conduct, and acts as a compass for citizen’s behaviors and choices. Within this world of law and ethics, exists an economy driven by businesses and organizations. These business can be publicly held …show more content…
“Injuries may be inflicted intentionally, negligently, or without fault (otherwise known as strict liability)”. When a tort is committed, the harmed party sues to receive compensation for his losses. However, intentional torts are faced with more severe consequences, especially when a business is involved. Therefore, intent to harm a person or company must be proven in court. In order to punish and discourage other entities from performing similar infractions, the court will award punitive damages towards the injured party. Punitive damages are damages awarded beyond what would be normal compensation, accordingly incentivizing businesses. When a tort is committed negligently, the courts must prove that there was a duty of care towards another person, a breach of duty, causation, and actual harm. An unreasonable risk of harm is the essential part of negligence. The courts will use the reasonable person standard to measure the
duty of care an individual has towards another. A reasonable person is determined by the court and is considered someone who is always careful with his actions within a given circumstance, setting the standard of conduct for the case. If the courts decide that a reasonable person …show more content…
Contrary to a sole proprietorship or partnership, a corporation is a legal entity, meaning it is an entity separate from its shareholders with distinct rights and liabilities. This means that a shareholder has no financial liability for the mistakes of a company. In addition, corporations have free transferability of shares and widespread investors.
With free transferability of shares, the market value can increase and widespread investors means diversity for the company. Investors are able to vote for company decisions, therefore diversity means a mix of knowledge and skillsets that benefit the decision making process. Investors are able to choose a board of directors for the company, benefiting from centralized management. In relation to law, corporations are creatures of state law; if they are under federal jurisdiction, then they are government associations. Whether public government associations or privately held companies, a corporation has perpetual existence, unless otherwise noted in the charter. The
charter is the grant given by legislator that makes a company a corporation with given