Hades is the god of the underworld, as well as the kingdom of the dead (in Greek mythology). Although the name Hades equitably belongs to the god himself, it's also used to betoken the underworld as well. Hades, also known as Pluto, ruled a kingdom known as the land of Hades or house of Hades. Cronus and Rhea, two Titans who once ruled the universe, were Hades' parents. The goddesses Hera, Hestia, and Demeter and the gods Zeus and Poseidon were Hades' siblings. Hades' father, Cronus, swallowed him …show more content…
The gods Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon decided to divide the universe amongst themselves; therefore, Poseidon took control over the sea, Zeus gained the sky, and Hades received the underworld. The underworld kingdom, also known as the kingdom of the dead is sub-divided into two separate regions. Tartarus, a land of horrid blackness where the dissolute endured eternal suffering, lay at the very bottom. Titans, who were guarded by giants with a hundred arms, were among those imprisoned in Tartarus. Elysium, or the Elysian Fields, was on the other region of the underworld kingdom. It was a place where the souls of charitable, honorable, good people went after their passing. The dead had to cross the river Styx in order to reach Hades' kingdom. The dead were taken across the river by a boatman named Charon. A multi-headed dog with a serpent's tail, a Cerberus, guarded the entrance to the underworld to ensure the prevention of anyone leaving. The four rivers Acheron (river of woe), Cocytus (river of wailing), Lethe (river of forgetfulness), and Phlegethon (river of fire) flowed through the underworld kingdom. Although Hades supervised the punishment of the dead, he did not torture them