Amber Findley
Vinod Sharma
Psychology and Health Issues
According to Mayo Clinic, obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat. (Mayo Clinic, 2013) Obesity is a disease that has become an epidemic in the United States. In the last two decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who are obese. “More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese.” (CDC, 2013) There are many factors of obesity that can be controlled and some factors that can not be controlled. Obesity has gotten so out-of-hand that even the government has stepped in to help lower the …show more content…
Risk factors that can not be controlled are genetics, age, medical problems, and medications. A person 's genes can have an affect on the amount of body fat that is stored and where it 's going to be stored at. As a person ages, hormonal changes and a less active lifestyle can lead to obesity. The amount of muscle within the body decreases with age as well. Medical problems that can decrease physical activity such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, can lead to obesity. Risk factors that can be controlled are inactivity, unhealthy eating habits, family lifestyle, quitting smoking, pregnancy, lack of sleep, social issues, and economic issues. A sedentary lifestyle doesn 't allow the calories consumed to burn. Become active to ensure your body burns the calories consumed throughout the day. A diet that consists of fast food, large portions, skipping breakfast, and foods high in calories is very unhealthy. A limit on the amount of fast food being eaten will help control this risk factor. Eat a healthy, balanced breakfast each morning. Pay attention to the nutritional labels on food. Portion the amount of food according to the serving size recommended. Quitting smoking is not only beneficial in obesity, but for a lot of other diseases as well. Weight gain after pregnancy leads to obesity. Set a goal and plan how much weight is going to need to be lost after having the baby. Not …show more content…
The first step is to be active or physical. The second step is to eat more fresh foods. The third step is to adopt a positive, optimistic attitude. The fourth step is to schedule regular check-ups with the doctor. The fifth step is to get the yearly flu shot and make sure your kids have up-to-date shots. The sixth step is reduce the amount of stress within your life. The seventh step is get enough sleep at night. The eighth step is to practice good hand-washing skills. The ninth step is to have good oral hygiene. The final step is to get outdoors and enjoy the vitamin D from the sun.
In conclusion, obesity is a disease that can be controlled in majority of cases. Eating right, staying active, and getting enough sleep will help with obesity. Use resources made available from the doctor and community. Get the education and knowledge needed to prevent or treat obesity. Follow the ten steps mentioned in the paper to enhance health and prevent illness. Prevent yourself, your kids, and family members from becoming a statistic for