On one hand, Anti-Gun laws persons aver that guns help them during self-defense and argue that if more gun laws were enacted, it would violate their rights. While, Pro-Gun laws persons claim that with more gun laws, society would be safer because there would be a decline in gun deaths and tragedies. There have been many gun-restricting laws such as the Brady Handgun Violence Act and Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act and Child Safety Lock Act of 2005 that has been very effective and because of that people want to enact more laws. Because of so much death, some citizens will look toward the president that will offer gun control laws even though others strongly disagree. Hilary Clinton declares that as president, she would like to take on the gun lobby and fight for commonsense reforms to keep guns away from terrorists, abusers and criminals. She would also like to implement more in depth background checks and close all loopholes that would allow guns to fall into the wrong hands. In addition, she wants to prevent people on the no-fly list-people that are a possible danger to citizens- to get …show more content…
A lot of people apply to live in the United States; In fact, there are at least 4.4 million people awaiting their acceptance into the country. But there are also millions of illegal immigrants that live in the U.S. today. They have increased so much in numbers that the pew Research Center claims that there are at least 11.2 million illegal immigrants that lived in the U.S. in 2012 alone. From 1990 to around 2007, this number have more than tripled but slightly declined in the years afterwards. The problem with this subject is that many republicans and governmental figures want to find those aliens and deport them back to their country. There however is moral blockage because those aliens emigrated from their country in fear to live in their own. For example, some illegal aliens might have left their country because the gangs are in charge and the rest of the population feel that they are in danger so they take refuge in the U.S. Although some people sympathize with their situation, others feel like they should still be deported because they steal American jobs, create gangs and kill people (According to the United States Government Accountability Office, illegal immigrants in correction facilities and jails account for 25,000 homicides). Hilary Clinton believes that in order to solve this problem, we need to create a pathway to citizenship for the illegal aliens. She thinks that it would be wrong to deport all of them. In