Professor Hyde
13 March 2013 Love and Hate
Two of the most common emotions of people around the world are love and hate. It’s about time somebody compares the two and contrasts the two and that someone is me. Love is something that us people see everyday around us going on in the world. Hate is also another thing that many people see going on around the world and it should not be happening. Comparing and contrasting love to hate should be an easy task because these are just the two most common things in everyday life for the average human. It is said that opposites attract but tell me this do these two opposites attract love and hate?
When a person feels loved they know it because the feeling of love is just simply amazing. If you are feeling love you can feel like deep down in your heart like a warm tingly feeling that just feels right and that’s how you know what love is or when love is happening. To love someone all you have to do is show that person that you care about them it doesn’t matter about how much money you spend or what material things you have love is love for itself you just feel it deep down inside. Sometimes the littlest things the smallest actions mean the most more than gifts, more than kisses and cuddles, it just shows that the person cares for you when they don’t show that they do. For example like when if I see that my mom is tired and she doesn’t want to do laundry for all the kids and I just go ahead and do it myself it shows her that I love her and that I care for her.
When I loved someone, I think I’d know by the way I can never seem to look in her eyes. If it’s someone that I love and I am angry with them instead of just arguing with them I can’t do that I just look away and forget about what we just did and try to fix it by talking with her nice and calm. When you’re in love with someone you are just thinking about that special someone all the time they usually never leave your mind. Love is just one of the most powerful emotions and words used a lot in the world. Since love is a very strong word make sure to use it when you are very sure don’t say it if you don’t mean it is that serious of a word.
Now hate this is easier to recognize it’s when you repeatedly see that person trying to demean you, degrade you, and disrespect you for no reason at all sometimes they just have hate in them. Hate just like love is a strong word you should not use it unless you really mean it instead of hate you should say you dislike something because hate is a powerful word to with a lot of meaning to it. Hate is like when you hold in all your anger and just try to think of some really bad way to try and get back at someone that you do not like it’s like being spiteful. When I think of the word hate it just makes me cringe because it is such a bad word that nobody should use, it should never be used towards people because that is just downright mean. Now when I hate someone I just try to avoid them but I typically don’t hate people I just dislike them which is similar but not as bad as hate.
It is possible to feel both hate and love for the same person because people often claim that the line between love and hate is very similar. Sometime I love my friends because of all the fun we have together but then there is sometimes where they make fun of me and I just hate them. Sometimes we have such different ideas on particular things that gets me so angry such a great hatred for my friends that I love so dearly. So I guess it is possible to love and hate someone or something at the same time. A personal experience of my own where I loved something but hated it at the same time was when I was playing football in the rain I love playing in the rain because I can slide in mud and just have a great time but on the other hand it sucks because I hate getting wet and then when it usually rains its cold out so those two together are horrible so therefore I loved and hated that situation.
Love and hate are the two strongest emotions in the world and if said have to be really meant because if used the wrong way will upset someone really bad. It is most certainly possible to love and hate someone or something at the same time because I have done so myself. These are just the best things to compare and contrast because they share so much in common and people say that opposites attract so they attract so much that they are the perfect thing to compare and contrast.
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