(a) Describe an event that occurred during the group meeting.
The group started with the usual check-in and summarizing what happened at the previous session. Next, the group facilitator asked members to review their goals for the meeting. Three group members expressed their concerns with having difficulties with managing anger and frustration, so the discussion focused on exploring emotional issues related to these emotions.
(b) Inferences: Speculate on possible explanations for each event’s occurrence. Why do you think group members did that? Provide your own insights.
Group leader identified a common theme (managing anger) that a few members of the group wanted to explore. I think it encouraged the universality and similarity, as evidenced by members’ comments on how their stories and struggles are alike. Altruism, another therapeutic factor, was evident in this session, when members showed genuine concerns for each other, and also provided constructive feedback, supportive comments, and suggestions how to deal with frustrating situations and anger. The members who shared their stories seemed emotional and upset by their inability to manage their emotions, especially in their relationships. They also seemed comfortable sharing their feelings, without the fear of being judged or ridiculed, which is an indicator of higher level of cohesiveness and trust among members. …show more content…
What did you think? What did you feel?
Being in a group of people with similar experiences satisfies the need to belong. In my opinion, one of the most powerful factors in group counseling is the sense of belonging, being a part of a whole, a part of a mini-community that provides almost unconditional acceptance and understanding. Group acts as a support network. Other participants provided their insights and came up with their ideas how to handle certain life