
Great Gatsby American Dream Analysis

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Great Gatsby American Dream Analysis
What exactly is the American Dream some say its undeniable riches, others say having a family and a house. In his novel The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald suggest that the so called American Dream, is nothing but just a dream that can never be attanied. He uses characters like, Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby to show the corruptness in old money and new money, and the dissatifaction of those who have everything but can’t fill the empty void that they seek.

Fitzgerald uses the old money versus the new money to show that those with old money still look down apoun those with new money. Nick goes on to admire Gatsby in the beggining of the novel, but towards the end he changes his viewpoint on Gatsby. He talks about Gatsby as if he were
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Gatsby has all these huge parties with nothing but random people who dont know him, but all he wants is Daisy. He goes to say that “ he wishes to be with daisy” this shows that all his money still cant fill his undeniable pleasure for Daisy.

Fitzgerald also shows that each charachter has lives a secret lives. That they keep hidden from each other.Thinking that they can keep going on with the “double life”. Gatsby has a secret live some say that he murdered someone others say that he is a secret spy. Tom also has a secret life he is cheating on Daisy with a mistress, she somewhat found out when he was in a car crash and it was all over the papers and she was in the picture with him.

In conclusion all these reasons go to show that each character has a secret life that they live, and none of them actually reached to the point where they think they meet the “American Dream”. It also goes to show that no one can ever reach the American Dream it’s nothing but just a dream that we all wish to succed. It’s someting we have to look in ourselfes and ask what is the American Dream is it filled with money and fame or just simpleness and a

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