Look at generic legislation (Data Protection Act, Health and Safety and Work Act) and explain how legislation applies to all workplaces or training centres. For example, “In accordance with the Data Protection Act or Health and Safety at Work Act, training must ensure that they….”
Explain how some legislation is relevant to specific to various sectors. For example, “As a teacher in graphic design, I must ensure that I adhere to Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 and give my students plenty of breaks to prevent eye strain, etc.”
Research and explain how the Code of Professional Practice (2008) relates to you as a trainer. Summarise some of your responsibilities as a trainer within your organisation (timekeeping, dress, professional attitudes, etc.)
(200 words)
1.2 Explain own role for promoting equality and valuing diversity.
Research the Equality Act (2010). Equality specifically relates to the law and the rights of students to be given equal opportunities to access learning and assessment opportunities. The Human Rights Act specifically prohibits discrimination. Diversity relates to embracing and celebrating the cultural, racial, religious, etc. differencesyour students possess. As a teacher, you should know the difference between direct and indirect discrimination and know when you can unintentionally cause offense to learners. How would you challenge behaviour which undermines equality and diversity in the classroom?
1.3 Explain own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning.
Research the teaching and learning cycle to help you evaluate your own role and responsibilities as a trainer.You need to plan adequate resources, teaching approaches and activities to meet the needs of your learners. As a teacher, you need to stay up to date with your specialist subject and continuously improve your teaching practice. Research and explain the need for CPD as a trainer in your specialist area. Look at the Code of Professional Practice (2008). What sort of records do you have to write and keep? For example, you might need to keep attendance records, and write individual learning plans, action plans, etc.
1.4 Explain own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners.
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