First let's start with the sea goblin. At feeding time the goblin really looks like an alien creature in the sea. It may float motionless, tracking it's prey. When a tasty creature wanders too close, the shark springs into action.…
I’m researching the Hammerhead shark it has many unique features . It has a oddly shaped head used for hunting . They live near the equator or in tropical waters . They are carnivores and eat about anything and their favorite food is the sting ray . The hammerhead shark is very unique .…
shark to be able to inhabit almost all waters on earth. But, with out salt water they would die due to their cells rupturing because of the lack of salt. The kidneys of the shark are also pretty cool my dude, they can recycle the salt in their body because of another really cool gland located near the tails of the shark my dude. It has been also documented that the shark can live in freshwater for up to six years without any negative effects on the shark's body or health.…
Have you ever heard of a goblin shark or an angelfish?Well I will tell you about some. There are many different kinds of them.…
Devil fish, also known as suckermouths, have invaded the waters of the Mexican state of Tabasco. This armored catfish is cherished among aquarium owners because they eat the algea that grow in the tanks, but out in the wild, this behavior harms underwater plant life and erodes shorelines. Along with this, the introduction of these fish has resulted in a decrease in numbers of Robalo, or snook, in these impacted waters. It’s unclear as to how these devil fish became a problem, but it’s thought to be a combination of aquaculture facilities accidentally releasing them, and the “Nemo effect, where the fish grew too large for their tanks and were then released into the wild by. After the initial release, the populations exploded due to their abilities to mature quickly, lay 500 eggs at a time, and their long life spans (7 to 15 years). In an effort to try and reduce the number of devil fish, Acari was born, a company that has attempted to catch and sell these invaders as food. Although this fish isn’t poisonous, marketing it for human consumption has proven to be difficult. In addition to selling fillets to restaurants, Acari hopes to help migrants and refugees through the donation of fish.…
The sand shark is very important to my tribe, and I shall tell you why. Once, a very long time ago, a group of hunters were looking for animals for food and supplies. The eldest, and wisest, said “We must continue hunting! Do not lose hope!” Suddenly a squirrel scampered across a cedar branch. The youngest was quick, he raised his bow, arrow drawn, and shot. The squirrel was too quick, the arrow missed. Several days later, hunger spread throughout the village. The three hunters had failed to collect enough food for the winter. Many died, some went mad with starvation. One day in winter, the hunters had no choice but to hunt. After several hours, they noticed that one spot of water had not frozen. The hunters made the decision to go fishing.…
In 1948 scientists presumed that the Lake Nicaragua shark, known at that time as Carcharhinus Nicaraguensis, was landlocked meaning it could not travel from the lake into marine environments, and that it was a separate species from C. Leucas (Thomas H. Lineaweaver, Richard H. Backus). It wasn’t until 1968 when scientists commenced studies on the sharks by catching them far into Lake Nicaragua as well as at the river’s mouth approximately 220 miles away. They made measurements, counted teeth, counted vertebrae and identified the sharks to be identical to C.…
The great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, also known as the great white, white pointer, white shark, or white death, is a species of large lamniform shark which can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. The great white shark is mainly known for its size, with the largest individuals known to have approached or exceeded in length, and in weight. This shark reaches its maturity around 15 years of age and can have a life span of over 30 years.…
For example,a goblin shark grow to at least 12 feet long,and it eats fishs,sguids,shrimp,and other deep sea animals.On pragaph 3 ''A Sea Goblin'' it says it does not depend on eyesight but the muscles of a fish and other sea animals create weak electric signals as they move.A goblin shark has special organs in its snout that detect these electric signals.…
The Goblin shark have been found in many oceans all over the world but more so than others its usually found closest to japan. It is very rare to spot this shark which indicates they swim in deep waters more than 2,000 meters deep. Goblin sharks are just like every other shark when it comes to their eating habits. They are carnivorous meaning they eat only meat no plants, they eat from a range of creatures in the sea. Some of these creatures include all sizes of fish, certain types of squid, crabs, rays, and they go as far as eating other sharks.…
Great white sharks are known as the most dangerous of the shark species because of their sheer size and their quick mind that make them the ultimate predator. A comparison can be seen in Figure 1, where the great white shark is seen next to a human, this image is showing the sizing difference between the two species. The shark is so captivating that there is an entire week each year dedicated to these creatures to learn more about them and the world they live, in an area that is vastly undiscovered. There is enough evidence through fossils that can date the shark back four-hundred million years ago, which was a time before dinosaurs were roaming the Earth (“Shark Basics”).…
Bibliography: 80 Random Facts About Sharks. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Random Facts Website:…
t some point every scuba diver dreams of diving with a whale shark (Rhiniodon Typus), the biggest fish in the sea! Like many divers, I traveled the globe for years searching for them but to no avail. I always seemed to hear the same old thing – “you should have been here last week.” In my mind, whale sharks were the “unicorns of the sea.” This all changed this past summer with a trip to Isla Mujeres, Mexico – a place recognized as having the world’s largest aggregation of whale sharks.…
he whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is the largest fish and shark in the ocean, with the largest found scaling in at around 12 meters. These animals are not whales, contradictory of their name. They are known mostly for their size and their bizarre or uncommon diet choice. Whale sharks eat small organisms, such as plankton, through a process of cross-flow filtration. Whale sharks, though usually lone animals, can be found in groupings around large populations of plankton. The whale shark has a flat head, a large grey or brown body with white spots and a faint stripes, a white underside, a large triangular tail, and two dorsal fins. The typical lifespan for a whale shark in the wild is up to 150 years, while those held in captivity has a 9 year…
There are unusual creatures that have inhabited our planet for at least 500 million years who spend a portion of their lives as plant-like polyps before transforming into some of the greatest ocean predators, all without having any brain, heart, backbone, eyes, ears or teeth. Cnidaria, otherwise known as jellyfish, are gelatinous animals found at all depths within all oceans around the world, and are some of the oldest animals evolutionarily speaking.…