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I feel that the television show opened the eyes of our country, showing us that the social attitude towards other races we are perceived to have does not reflect positively on our country. Most of the participants started their journey with strong, negative perspectives on the topic of refugees in Australia, but as the show continued to air, it was evidently clear that the views of the partakers were changing. The program also allowed for the public to view refugees and asylum seekers from a different light, and I commend the producers for being able to do …show more content…
and Rosa Parks took a stand for dark skinned people in America who were victims to racial abuse. But these people want someone who has been the situations on a first-hand experience, not just some typical Australian who wasn’t running for their lives, trying to survive on treacherous oceanic journeys to a safer place. And the participants of the Go Back to Where You Came From series and other white and inalienable advocates for refugees do not fit the description they were looking for. Yes these people are privileged individuals who have no need to run from immediate threat or prosecution, but they acknowledge their privileges and strive to use them to do legitimate good, which is everything these people claim they want, but as soon as they start, they tell them to stop speaking. Because their need to hate and wallow in wilful ignorance is more important to them than seeing actual change take place anywhere in the