Singing in the Rain is an American comedy musical film starring Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O’Connor and Jean Hagen, and directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen. It offers a comic depiction of Hollywood, and its transition from silent films to talking films. Throughout the movie, people could see many different elements that make the movie musical “Singing in the Rain” great. Because of the sound, especially the music, setting, costumes, make up, and the photography, this movie could receive a huge success during the 20th Century.
The movie is set in 1927 and it takes a look at Hollywood’s reaction when the sound was first introduced and used into the film production industry. In the movie, the opening sequence …show more content…
The movie opens with Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont arriving to the premiere of one of their many silent movies. In the movie, Don Lockwood is the most famous star in Hollywood, and Lina Lamont always convinces herself that they are real couple instead of just fake on-screen romantic pair. After the first talking film, the studio boss R.F. Simpson decides to convert the new Lockwood and Lamont movie into a talking movie called The Dancing Cavalier. However, the production is full of difficulties, such as Lina’s comically grating voice and the catastrophic test screening. In one scene that Don repeats “I love you” to Lina over and over again, which makes the audiences laugh. Cosmo Brown, who is Don’s best friend, has the idea to overdub Lina’s voice with Don’s girlfriend, Kathy’s. After Lina finds out she is furious and tries to destroy the romantic relationship between Don and Kathy. The new version of the movie receives a tremendous success. When the audience clamors Lina to sing live, Don, Cosmo and R.F improvise to get Lina to lip-synch while Kathy sings behind the curtain. However, when Lina starts to “sing”, they open the curtain. When Kathy tries to run away, Don stops her and introduces to the audiences that she is “the real star of the