When Roosevelt took office on March 4, 1933, thirteen million Americans were unemployed and hundreds of banks were closed (Walsh). During his First Hundred Days, he quickly proposed a plan known as the First New Deal, this provided immediate relief, and worked toward reform and recovery; which became known as the three R’s of his policies (Shmoop Editorial Team). This showed that Roosevelt came into office with ideas that came along with his background in government. He was aware of how to implement and enforce his tactics to the law, thus taking the initiative towards a visionary …show more content…
Some of these agencies are the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), the Glass Steagall Banking Reform Act, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and National Industrial Recovery Administration (NIRA). The AAA provided relief to farmer by paying them to reduce production; this helped reduce crop surpluses and increase the price of crops. The Glass Steagall Banking Reform Act created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) which backed all bank deposits up to $2,500 so clients did not have to worry about bank failure wiping them out and thus ensured bank existence. The CCC put young men to work on public lands and national parks to reduce unemployment. The NIRA regulated wages and prices, and tightened government and business relationship; this became unconstitutional in 1935. Additionally, other agencies that insured bank deposits, regulated the stock market, subsidized mortgages, and provided relief to the unemployed. In the Second New Deal, Social Security and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) were created; Social Security offers a safety new for unemployed, elderly and people of disabilities; WPA was to further reduce the unemployment